Each pad contains thousands of micro crystals to gently exfoliate skin while removing hair from legs, upper lip or any other sensitive areas. Fast and easy, with no chemicals, no cuts and no fuss! Leaves smooth and comfortable skin.
Smooth Away works by applying the product on your skin in gentle circular motions (clockwise and counter-clockwise). This buffs away unwanted hair and exfoliates dead skin cells at the same time revealing smooth healthy skin. As you continue to use Smooth Away to buff away your hair, it will grow back less each time. Smooth Away is a painless and safe hair removal system. There is no component of Smooth Away that can nick or cut your skin or cause any pain. Each flex-crystal pad is covered with tiny crystals that aid in the removal of hair through gentle circular motion that also exfoliates at the same time, leaving your skin ever-so-soft and fresh.
Smooth Away can be used every day - just remember to use a gentle touch in clockwise and counter-clockwise motions. Use only in circular motions, with slight pressure. Do not bear down. Going first in one circular direction, then the other, repeat this procedure until all the hairs have been removed. For larger areas like legs and forearms, use the larger backing pad. For smaller, or uneven areas, use the smaller backing pad, with the same circular motions. When done your skin may look a little whitish or gray in color, which is great news because you've exfoliated dead skin cells. Simply moisturize as desired.